Series Renamer

For all your serious series renaming needs

V.0.9.8 released!

Posted by seriesrenamer on December 8, 2012

Due to popular demand I have released a new version that fixes the title provider using the suggested fix posted here.

Please note that I’m not planning to take up this project again, I’m simply lacking the time and motivation. This fix was rather easy though and I hope that people can profit from it.

The download can be found here.

23 Responses to “V.0.9.8 released!”

  1. don said

    Vielen Dank! Die Hoffnung stirbt zu letzt.

  2. Markus said


  3. Heiner Meier said

    Super, vielen Dank für das Update. Meine Rettung.

  4. dogson said

    vielen vielen dank

  5. Florian said

    This is AWESOME!!. U know how much time you saved me? I came several times to this site after I couldn’t rename anymore.I had to use other tools but they were a pain compared to yours! Thanks for fixing that. Thanks for still beeing around. 🙂

  6. seriesrenamer said

    Thanks for your thanks!
    Just wondering, but are the other providers not working anymore either?
    I haven’t tested much but only compiled this quick fix.

  7. Florian said

    Well actually they do. But..not on all series. And some had a “wrong” sorting resulting in a different description than it actually was. Some thing of DVD sorting and air date sorting. I focused on thetvdb.

  8. Mirko said

    Vielen, vielen Dank. Es gibt schlicht kein besseres Tool zum renamen.

  9. Manfred said

    Ich möchte mich hiermit bei Dir herzlich bedanken. Ich verwende das Tool sehr gerne. Echt klasse. Danke aus Österreich

  10. Dennis said

    Das beste Tool ever ! – Vielen lieben Dank!

  11. Tom said

    Series Renamer hat schon etliche Jahre auf dem Buckel und sieht etwas unscheinbar aus. Aber von allen Renaming-Tools, die ich bisher ausprobiert habe, hat er die durchdachtesten Funktionen. Im Laufe der Jahre hat er mir schon eine Menge Arbeit erspart. Vielen vielen Dank dafür!

  12. links234 said

    Vielen, vielen Dank! Der Fix hat bei mir nämlich nicht funktioniert.

  13. ruffy said

    erstmsl ein riesen lob und dank für dieses perfekte programm. bin user der ersten stunde und dir wirklich wirklich dankbar, nur leider funktioniert es nicht mehr richtig bei mir. so wie es aussieht wird es auch nicht mehr weiter entwickelt, was ich persönlich sehr sehr schade finde. werde mich nun wohl leider doch mal nach ner alternative ummschauen müssen. werde es aber regelmässig hier vorbei schauen, in der hoffnung das es eines tages doch mal weiter entwickelt wird.

    mfg und vielen dank nochmal, das programm hat mir viel zeit erspart 🙂

  14. Jan said

    First of, thanks for the update!

    Have you thought about donations, Paypal or something?
    I respect your decision not to commit to the project and I have no idea about the number of downloads on this tool but I do believe there are people thankful enough to make a donation ~ who knows, maybe you’ll get more passionate about it again.

  15. seriesrenamer said

    Donations can be made here. I won’t rule it out completely but it’s not too likely that updates will happen anytime soon.

  16. chiefrocker said

    There are a lot of other tools for the job, but this is by far the easiest and best. Great job, man!

  17. Chingischan said

    Best tool ever. thx for the fix 🙂

  18. Zarros said

    Das beste Tool seiner Art 🙂
    Danke !!

  19. Thomas said

    A Great Tool , please can you get to the search engine..

  20. oidenburga said

    I think this gorgeous Tool need an update.
    Is it possible to add Wikipedia as search engine?
    Because in German its really hard to get the title information for the latest series.

  21. seriesrenamer said

    Can you think of a proper way to find the correct pages for episode guides? They don’t have unique naming schemes, e.g. and
    You also often get non-unique results if you search for a series name.

    It’s likely that there are possible ways for it, but I can’t work on this myself due to time limitations. If anyone wants to have a go at it, feel free to do so.

  22. Mirko said

    I urge anyone to take an look at : Since this tool wont get updated anymore i switched now to FileBot which does an very, very good job without any problems you might have with Seriesrenamer.

    Thanks for this tool, Seriesrenamer, used it for a while now and really, really liked it.

  23. dogson said

    help, your perfect tool doesnt work anymore. please check and fix it please.
    thxx a lot

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